
After so many milleniums of Raycorp taking advantage of Earth's resources without any attempt of make those sources renewable, the earth is slowly dying. Garcia is one of the last on the ancient bloodline of Raynott, and the last version of a project that took centuries to get done, the "PHB Project", where they were trying to make a version of a human being that was perfect from their standards, mutating their DNA into a stronger, faster, smarter, and more durable human. They were planning to upgrade the whole entire human race with this, not knowing this prject was merely a power trip that Javier Raynott was going from the times he was CEO, and he wanted to upgrade entire of the human race with that, not knowing exactly what he wanted, but that idea got passed on for inumerous generations, trying to complete what their ancestors wanted to do.

Garcia's father, Davi Raynott, always prized his son, thinking he was going to be so grand and powerful. He always said that to him and that their ancestors would be proud for what they are achieving and 'You're perfect, my boy! Perfect, you hear me? don't let anyone say otherwise.' Having being experimented on to be "perfect" since his birth and being hyped by his father, his ego is not only bigger than his networth. Not if that its any worth. the currency of a dying planet means nothing on the grand scheme of things.

Although he was deemed the perfect human being, he felt incomplete. As like a piece of himself wasn't there. He was going insane with this "missing piece of himself", thinking that that missing piece was lack of power.

He thought that their idea of perfection was "pretty bare", and he demands to be made perfect by the cientists, as the idea of perfect that they had is wrong.

The cientists didn't know what to do with him, as they don't know what he means. They tried to make him "more perfect", but Garcia was never satisfied.

After years and years of failed experiments, he was done with those cientists. They clearly weren't able to achieve what he was aiming for himself. On a fit of anger, he massacres the whole lab he was in and accidentally explode Raycorp's base of corporation. His father saw what he did and said nothing. he was so dissapointed that he said nothing before Garcia left forever. He saw that Garcia doesn't care about any of that anymore, he was fed for so much time the idea of being perfect that he was underwhelmed when the project was finally complete. he thought to himself when the project was firstly thought to have ended: "... Is this it?"

He couldn't accept that that was it. He needed more. Even though more is not the solution for his problem. To be a human, you need to have flaws. And to be a perfect human is impossible since that would not be a human if he was perfect. He remained oblivious to that, having heard that saying, but he believed for so much time that he was able to turn perfect that he can't simply accept the truth even when it is smacked right into his face.

He needs to be perfect.

If he can't be perfect, what was his whole life about?

He learns that he has some real interesting powers, like doing a rip on space and time and doing a portal.

He enters the portal and enters a dimension That Garcia called "Nowhere", where there isn't any time nor space and he can travel to any timeline.

He basically lives there after he discovers it, as he calls a nice place to be without any annoyance.

He is trying to figure out what to do next, as he wants to become more perfect, but he doesn't know how.

He sees different versions of himself, one where he wasn't experimented on, one where he is a goofy super villain, and he continues to see the infinite timelines, as he finds them entertaining.

He wasn't even invited to the tournament, he saw a strange ocurrence on time and space and was interested, and his plan was to kill the host and take their power.

He wears a teared down piece of cloth on top of his normal clothes, that covers his whole body. Under the piece of cloth, there is some business suit he was wearing before he blew up Raycorp's main building of operations.

His fighting style is just super agressive, he wants to be done with it* (*the fight) as rapid as possible, so he comes with all he got in a quick turn to be done with it.