Rock is a anarchist from 2019 who is trying to take down the corrupt government of Brazil who steal money from the people and are basically a dictatorship, not letting art flow and everything talking bad about it isn't allowed. it's like the military dictatorship from the 80's and 70's never left the power. He also fights the police department who brutalize the citizens.
He was a normal kid six to five years ago. His dad was a single parent ever since the mom left them when he was 5 months old and they been struggling with money ever since. His dad married an american lady who wasn't the best with neither, his dad only being on the relationship for fear of being alone.
She named the kid Rock, akin to the names of USA. After she left, Rock's dad turned into a really depressed person. He got to have a ton of minimal wage jobs to have at least the minimal amount of comfort on their house. His depression got to the point of him getting fired for "bringing down the business's energy.". After he was fired, he was completely desperate. Without his jobs, the rent will come and he will have no money to pay them and they will become homeless.
He was so desperate in fact, he turned to a very taky moneylender who said that he would make a loan who would make sure he would pay the rent for at least a few months, that way he can figure his life out and not worry about that. He agreed to what for him seemed like a great contract, and his mental health was actually getting better and better. He was studying and trying to get a college degree on psychology to get a better job. Until he received a phone call from the moneylender, which was a passive agressive threat saying that if he didn't pay the loan he took from him up, then he would have to sleep with the fishes unfornately. He tries to get the money in time, but he couldn't find any job that would accept him. All of them would say they would pay him in "experience". He also tried to contact the police, but they ignore the cry for help, saying "you are an idiot for taking that money in the first place. Get out of here" as if that was in any way something to joke about.
One day, the door was knocked and Rock's dad knew what it was. So in a impulse, he said to Rock to jump out of his room's window and run as far as he can as the door was being pushed down.
So he did.
He did as he was told and ran as fast as he could. He just ran as far and fast as he could and the only thing he did hear from his house after that was a scream and a bang sound.
Rock continued to run until his legs eventually gave out on him. He was so exausted he passed down on an dirty alley.
He woke up on a sofa with a person taking care of him. He was now in a house on one of the favelas, places that the poorest of the poor reside and get ostracized and talked shit about. The person that was taking care of him was named Gabi.
She saw the boy wandering on the street and decided to follow him and when he passed out, she took him to her house.
She is part of a community house to anarchists who live with each other. It was far away from the city, being more in the woods and Gabi having drove him there to take care of him.
He tells him what happened and Gabi is horrified for what he said to her, because although he looks like a little kid, he is pretty smart with his surroundings and was also surprised by how his dad was straight foward to their situation to him. He seemed to not hide anything about their situation from Rock.
Though Rock was a smart kid, his optimism would lead to him asking if his dad was okay. Gabi would be simple and blunt and say that he was probably not. When she says that, Rock begins to cry and hug her in a need for comfort.
Rock grew up in the house revolved with various people who escaped the normal and opressive society to live their lives freely with no fear of being judged or even locked up (again, Brazil in this world never left the dictatorship that struck it in the 70's, so queer, disabled, and different races are treated so badly they need to leave society to be treated with decency).
Rock grew up with so many different people, he was so open minded and grew with so much rage of the society. The people he met in the community house was some of the most passionate and kind people he ever knew, and they never were treated with such kindness in the society. That made him so angry.
As the years passed, some of the people that were in the house were planning to overthrow the government to finally not have to live in the woods to live freely. Rock saw them planning and offered help. They thought he was too young to do it, as he was 14 when he offered. They let him in on their plans anyways because they love his enthuatism on the plan. He was often with them in "missions" where they go and try to get any information to get the people's vision of the government to change in a negative way.
Normally, they would find a big crowd and try to speak with them to see if they would listen. A part of them would ignore them, but they got more and more people into the movement. Sometimes, the police force would come in and try to kill them and arrest themm. Rock, after some of those encounters with the police force, learned how to fight back. He would normally use a bat he made with a tree that was being chopped down with a handle made out of tape and a band that his dad gave to him before he died. He said that the band was like a protection amulet of sorts. He also uses metal pipes, a golf club he shoplifted, a pvc pipe he gets from construction sites and baseball bat he also shoplifted and customized it with a red lighting symbol on it.
He wears a skull mask to hide his identity, and also a bright green shirt with a triangular symbol that he stole from a bootleg PS2 controller that was selling on some stores because they don't allow any outside tecnology so they make it cheaper and sell it with old ass games from NES and SNES with cartdriges with 1000 games.(kind of went on a tangent here but eh. What you can do) and some old jeans he got handed over from Gabi that he customized and a customized leather jacket. He is perceived as mysterious and threatning, but he's actually a pretty laidback and chill guy who only puts on that facet to make the corrupt people on power feel threatened.
He also is pretty crafty, making some chemical bombs to throw at the cops when things get dire and just to cause chaos.
After a year of doing that and hitting cops' skull with a thick tree branch and almost gettting shot two dozen of times, he was basically kidnapped to the time tournament for having excited the host.
He is also aroace. No real reason for it, just felt like he was.